Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rude Drivers

Yesterday, I used the UMS- Sulaman Road on my way back from the city. It was around 5.30 in the afternoon, so the road was very congested and jammed.
What really annoyed me was when I saw a few irresponsible drivers or if I can say ignorant drivers, whom used the emergency lane on the left side of the road to overtake other cars at the traffic light. To me, these kind of people were very rude and impatient. Of course, it was peak hour, so the road was very congested, but why they just could not be patient and abide by the law. If others could do so, why not them, right? Did not their driving tutor teach them the right rules and ethics of driving when they took their driving course before? Everyone wanted to reach home as fast as we could, but please be patient and considerate next time.
Another thing really irritates me when it comes to drivers’ behaviour on the road is when people drive very slowly on the right lane. The right lane is a fast lane and is used to overtake others, if you drive very slowly on the right lane, you might disturb traffic flow and cause a massive traffic jam. What I want to convey here is not telling you to drive really fast on the road, but please use the suitable lane every time you drive. If you want to drive slowly and maybe you want to enjoy the view, please use the left lane. But then, do not drive really slowly on the road as you might cause other drivers to become really annoyed with you, drive within the speed limit permitted. 

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